Thanks, Jazzmammal,

The MIDI is working fine now. There wasn't exactly any distortion... it was an odd sound, like a synth pad with a wah wah pedal... I eventually killed that by some fooling around with F12 to kill it (Noel's advice). Not sure where that came from, because the orignal problem had nothing to do with MIDI.

But in spite of much testing, it's still software and bugs are bound to appear after it's released. I'm not upset about that too much. But I just don't want to spend all my time looking for solutions to problems. I just wanna make some music while I still can. So, if I avoid the medley and multiriffs and anything else that acts strangely, I can at least spend what little time I have on my project. I'm sure many others do the same. In fact, I may be relying too much on BIAB, and need to try to play more parts on my own.

Having said all that, I will still take your advice and try to put out some proverbial markers along the way so that I can find my way back when I do muck it up again! lol

Thanks again,


BIAB 2020 with Reaper 6, on an AMD 8 core CPU, 16GB RAM, 240 GB SSD and 1 TB HD. Retired and trying to make some serious music, before Arthur Ritis spoils the fun.