It's been legal here in Colorado for a long time. The supposed tax revenue benefits are nearly non-existent. Your state governments will find a way to waste the money. And I have to smell skunks on the road and in stores and all over. Should be a crime just for the stank. It's seriously an invasion of privacy. I live in a decent neighborhood and sometimes I can't have my windows open at night, because of the stink. Many of us in CO don't have air conditioning because at our elevation, there's a near guaranteed 20 degree F drop from daytime highs to night time lows.

Alcohol - as long as you are breathing on your porch, I can't smell it.

Pot - if you are 3 houses down, it wafts in my windows at night and I'm sorry, but that's an invasion of privacy. Olfactory pollution.

And if I can smell it while I'm doing 75 mph on I-25, which is on perhaps 50% of the trips I make on that highway, people are driving while intoxicated.

There have been several instances where I also have had to leave an aisle in a store because some pot-head smokes so much that they can't even escape their own stink and it just oozes out of them.

This is the biggest issue that I have noticed personally. Frankly, and literally, it stinks and I think it's just as much an invasion of privacy as noise pollution.

The second largest issue I noticed as things went from completely illegal to 'medical marijuana' to fully legal marijuana, is that the time of 'medical marijuana' was the biggest joke and cause of eyesores.

Everyone and their two brothers must have suffered from glaucoma at that time, and one of those brothers opened their head-shops with nothing but a sheet of 4'x8' OSB plywood and a can of green spray paint to make a crappy looking green cross, and the other brother figured out how to print prescription pads. If your state is getting to the medical marijuana consideration, you'll see exactly what I mean.

Since it became fully legal, it seems to me that the eyesore plywood sign stores have nearly disappeared.

Vape shops have taken the place of the shabby head shops.

Take note that I have not discussed one single aspect of whether it's a gateway drug, blah blah blah. But be ready for your state to smell and look like crap.
