Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hello Will and Heidi,

THAT IS JUST AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a collaboration ... Will, the tune alone is extremely well-written and brought to musical life; your usage of BIAB has become galactic to me already a long time ago, but this one is so real... just like sitting in a bar, eyes closed and getting carried away by what you hear-

And what an unbelievable winndfall that you two found each other ! Heidi - you sing this in the most impressive way, it's just terrific!

I do hope that you will work together also in the future, because that would be an enormous benefit for this forum.

All the best for 2020, and, please: Keep 'em coming!


Hi Stefan,

I hope you are doing well!

Thank you for your kind comments! We are pretty satisfied with the track, but it is of course always nice when somebody else like it too.

Thanks for listening!

Last edited by Will Josef; 01/03/20 12:57 PM.