I love where Youtube takes me! Just now, and I'm not sure how it happened, I ended up at the below video clip.

For those who have not discovered Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina before, he pre-dates Johann Sebastian Bach and is considered the ultimate composer in the style of Renaissance polyphony.

  • It is from Palestrina that our present system of music that's based on chords and chord notation would develop a few hundred years later.

What makes Palestrina's music all the more impressive is that it was written only by considering melodic movement and pairs of intervals between parts.

  • These intervals were classified as either concordant or discordant; that is, 'sounds good, resolved' and 'sounds unresolved, jars the senses'. Once such a classification was made, that then determined what needed to happen next to the two notes involved.

Much of this style of music was written without the aid of instruments and was composed for voices.


I'm pretty sure that Palestrina would be amazed if he knew the door that his music techniques opened for future musicians.

I hope you enjoy the above Youtube journey. It's not that long and it gives a little insight into how music grew to become what it is today.

Audiophile BIAB 2024