Originally Posted By: Mike Head
It seems likely to me that in all your cutting and pasting different choruses together you are some times leaving behind the note off, or overwriting the note off with the next paste.

Mike, I was not certain what you meant by this, specifically, by the reference to cutting and pasting. Thinking about this, I made the interpretation that you might be referring to the way I input chords on the chord sheet by, for instance, typing chords into the A section, then copying it and pasting it into A2, typing the B section, then again pasting A into A3. So, yes, I'm wondering if something gets dropped in the copy/paste process. So I opened a new BIAB file, with the default 32 bar song consisting of the C chord only, and executed my "Pounding on the Keys with All Ten Fingers" test. So there was no copying or pasting involved. Result: Lots of overlap stuff.

Anyway, thanks for the good idea.
