Originally Posted By: Steve Young
Good job, guys!
Really nice song, well put together. Great melody for this.
Enjoyed it!

Thanks Steve...
You know I'm a big fan of your music...
So your support means a lot!

Originally Posted By: jimmadsen
Very, very nice stuff!
I love the chord progression and the arrangement you've created.
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Jim...
For your listen & your comments...
I look forward to hearing some of your songs!

Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi Jim and David,
You've both done a splendid job with this.

As I'm sitting here with my headphones on, listening, thoughts that are passing through my mind include: such a friendly and easy-on-the ears sound; I love Jim's way with words; David has created a wonderfully warm mix; Jim's singing always rings with honesty and sincerity; it's so easy to imagine this group just up in front of me; what a very relaxing groove; love what they've done.

In other words, you won me over.
Thank you both a really pleasant musical journey.

Thanks Noel...
I'm pleased that you enjoyed the song...
And I thank you for the comments...
Much of the credit on this one should go to David!
