Originally Posted By: jazzmammal

Since you're using Cool Edit that implies you have an older 32 bit PC? That may not cut it for what you're trying to do so tell us the exact specs of your PC. Make, model number, CPU, type and size of the hard drive, RAM. You need to be running Win 10 64 bit with an SSD system drive and a minimum 8 gigs of Ram. But CE Pro won't run on that and the old free Adobe Audition won't either.


Bob, slight correction; I have both Adobe Audition V1.5 (basically the same as Cool Edit Pro) and Adobe Audition V3.0 and they both run perfectly fine on my Win 10 64 bit PC.

My main DAW has been Reaper for the last few years, but I still use Adobe Audition for editing audio files, it’s the best program I have ever found for doing that.