Originally Posted By: floyd jane

All the stellar aspect of this hit you in a quick sequence.
The lead guitar. Oh yeah!
The drums! Love that snappy snare!
That bass. Pumpin'. Clean and crisp, yet fat.
That piano. Ahhhh...
Then last and by NO means least (most actually)...That Vocal!

An impeccable mix.

Cool claps.

Peter's lead is awesome. Truly sharing the stage with that amazing vocal.

A little bump in the overall energy around the 2 minute mark. Perfect.

One of your best.

Music. Pure and simple.


Thanks for continuing to make us feel we are on the right track with this music thing.
Your encouragement and counsel makes it easier for us to consider these "venture out"

I (Bud) never dreamed my bluegrass gal would be singing like this smile

We appreciate every word you wrote.


PS: Thanks for handclaps smile