Originally Posted By: rayc
Interesting - I was battling with a floor tom ringing loudly on a side in sympathy with the kick drum just a couple of days ago. I thought that it may be the only RealDrum with that issue - clearly not.
I also discovered that the ringing, when masked by bass et., actually enhanced the click of the kick - makes no sense but experimentation proved it to be so.
The song is fabulous, the guitar licks are strong and purposeful.
Mix wise, the lead guitra could sit closer to centre or pop over to the other side a little to balance the keyboards.
Christine writes and sings lovely blues ballads.

Morning Ray,

I'm not hearing conflicts between the tom and kick here, but I know you have better ears than me. Bottom line is if I can't hear it I can't fix it.

I've addressed the mix issues you and floyd mentioned, thanks for that. When I mixed I was getting over a cold and might left ear was not working as good as my right, hence the balance issues. A smarter man would have waited to release the song until his ears were back to normal I suppose wink

Happy you liked the song and thanks as always for your detailed comments!