Easiest path recently (that I recall) has been to install the K-Lite basic codec.

I haven't tried that on this system yet, rather new .. I installed the LAME MP3 codec and I found RB has an issue using it right now, and suspect BiaB simply isn't using it.

As far as K-Lite; if you go that route, be sure to download from a reputable site.
.. Then scan the download.

Codec installers (because they install to the OS) are favorite targets for malware and such.
I know it's common sense but felt compelled to mention.

And regarding CODEC, the first hit on Google (Britannica.com) -
"Codec, abbreviation of coder-decoder or compression-decompression, a standard used for compressing and decompressing digital media, especially audio and video, which have traditionally consumed significant bandwidth."

Codecs both Encode & Decode. The acronym just uses COde-DECode and also works for COmpression-DECompression.

Last edited by rharv; 01/22/20 01:58 PM.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome