Jim: thank you. From a singer such as yourself, saying that you enjoy listening to my own singing is praise indeed for me - I'm grateful. And thanks for the good wishes for my health - I should be fine! just didn't want to risk an uptempo song with a heart monitor attached to me, haha ... such is human nature ...

Robertkc: there was a mandola solo on the second instrumental break. I didn't want to overdo it, so didn't add it to the first. I'll definitely think about the ooh/aah idea, though - thanks!

Loren/bluage: what considered, kind and thoughtful feedback! I'm so glad you enjoyed the song like that - and thanks for taking the time to write such nice and, again, thoughtful words. I always follow rayc with interest on this forum, as he's been spot on every time I've read his comments on my songs, so when he messaged me to say he'd do a little work on my voice track, I was obviously delighted! And yes, no matter how modest he may be about it, I think he's done a great job here, which I was sure he would!

Thanks, everyone, once more for listening and for commenting!