Deb, Tony, Videotrack
Thank you for your input!
Yes, I done all of these. Drivers fresh, Buffer at 1024, I tried two different audio cards, and issue persists. Everything seems to be in check.

Now, Jeff (thank you!) I suspect you might be right. There is "something" internal that goes south, which is not user adjustable. I tried a factory reset several days ago for another issue and that helped...but the issue was different smile

However, I actually do not want to do it now. I want to see what support will say about crash log, which I believe might be related. I think it is a good idea to pinpoint the issue and if it is a bug, fix it rather than put "antibiotic reset" on everything. Hopefully they reply today or tomorrow. I will post back if I find the cause.

P.S. As Noel mentioned, it can be that ASIO driver is not "friendly" with BIAB, but bearing in mind that I tried 2 ASIO cards/drivers it might be something internal that does not like ASIO protocol in general.
