i forgot to add some further info.
as follows.
you will hear on various recording forums.
1."i have the same computer and plug ins as my friend
why does he have no problems but I DO with stuttering
and/or latency".
2."why does a interface / driver work in my friends but not mine "
etc etc
anytime peruse the net recording/songwriter
forums and youll see all manner of people with problems of
one type or another. even people with hi power configs.
lets address this.
it comes back to the point i made before that us musicians
badly need new powerfull computer architectures.
because the recording business needs them imho.
to date in summary we have been "shoehorning".

lets address two specific points
point 1 above (the same pc).
well maybe one user is trying to shoehorn an intensive
plug in onto the same disk drive as windows etc etc
resides on instead of dedicating a seperate hi speed
ssd drive so windows has the drive to itself to do its thing.
and so does the intensive plug in have its own drive.
particularly sample reading/streaming off old slow hard drives
might be a problem due to the latency of the drive reading process.
use ssd instead.

now lets address the point .
"my xyz plug in works fine in my daw multitrack so why not biab."
and pg tech support can correct me if i'm wrong.
the answer is a daw multitrack is a different animal from biab.
i call it the best darn song bed trak generator around.
thus it needs processing power for the generation process.
so this could conflict on some computers
where also power intensive plug ins are also used as well.
ie the two processes end up fighting each other simplistically
for processing resources. the lower the computers power
probably more chance of problems.
even high power computers might have problems depending
on the config/set up.

in summary we are talking two different software bases.
biab and the daw. the daw is not a bed trak generator,
one has to record traks from scratch etc etc in a daw
whereas biab is "assembling" in real time..
were it me i wouldnt be useing major computer performance /useage
demanding plug ins biab. so as not to impact the generation process.
i purposely use only low demand plug ins in biab so as not to
impact the generation process.
thus i never get stuttering and other problems.

thus if i were useing large sample based (on disc) plug ins i would ensure
that i had a seperate hi speed ssd drive just for samples ,and use such a plug
in in the daw only . i would generate say a nidi trak in biab then pop it into
the daw to drive the demanding plug in on a daw track and then print the track.
even in a daw only situation you will see musicians with high trak and
plug in counts complaining about "puffing out" their computers , even
powerfull computers. thus confirming the fact WE NEED NEW MORE

in closeing like you dont overload a car made for 4 people with 16 people,
understand the limitations your computer has ,
i only wish everyone happy music makeing and hope this helps someone.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)