Hi Marty, Robert, Dave, Misha and Floyd,

I’m answering you in the middle of the night from an appartement in the center of Malaga, Spain. I woke up, couldn’t sleep and decided to answer your posts. That’s what you do on holidays, don’t you ;-)

Thanks for your nice comments on the song. I will walk them through:

Marty, I haven’t heard that high pitch in the beginning of the song. It could be in the frequency were my tinnitus plays a dangerous role. Thought I haven’t heard other complains about this issue yet. Misha recalled the same sentence as you (the reason you make music), only he wants me to tattoo it on my body. In times I like to ‘hide’ the real topic of the song, but maybe that’s a strange habit of me from days behind when having questions like ‘what does the writer means with ...’.

Robert, It’s nice you mentioned that 5 string violin. In the first version of the song it even played a more important role. But the sound of it is a bit difficult to deal with. It can dominate too. I’m glad you hear the ambiguity in the lyrics solves in the choruses. To me it was only hope it will happen... one day.

Dave, I am starting to believe you are really a fan of my work. I’m proud of that fact! Although what you think I am of your work? And what you wrote about the choruses is very nice. The break, the yelling lady and the choruses after that worked out very well indeed.

Misha, I don’t use high end on eq on my vocals. But are the vocals to sharp? You know I have struggled a lot with those eq settings. But for some songs now you write ‘this is your nicest tune or mix’, so I know I’m on the right track improving my skills. I like it you like the same sentence as Marty does, but my wife has rejected your proposal tattooing it on my body. She want to believe it’s her making me happy. And it’s a lot of text to tattoo both...

Floyd, I must have achieved a higher level with my musical skills more, reading your comment. Normally you add some kind advice. Thanks for that.

Kind regards,

Hans Berkhout