Originally Posted By: Rob Helms
We all agree that the plugin needs some work. We all agree that it’s not right to continue to roll it out there and not complete it at least to the degree that it will be productive. That is the reason for this post not to suggest big changes, or complicated updates, but rather to fix the punch list items listed in the original post. These are not great ideas, they were advertised features. If they worked properly this plugin would be very useful.

So let’s as a collective group ask kindly but firmly that PGM move the needed resources to accomplish this NOW or at least very soon.

It serves very little purpose to continue to point out the problem, we need to as loyal and valued customers send a united voice for resolution.

So here is my request: To Peter Gannon, and the development team at PG music, both the BBW4 developers, and front end group, Please ASAP divert the resources required to complete this cycle, fixing the bugs in the list originally posted in this thread as well as send to you directly by email. This plugin is a gateway product that will generate many new customers for you when it works properly. But the core reason is that you promised these features as incentives for purchase in this release cycle, and we loyally supported that release.

Now to all users contributing to this post, please add your +1 to unite our voices.
