Hi Pipeline,

Please read my response to rharv just above. It explains my moves step by step. I do not see any tempo changes and I made sure before bringing the BIAB song into Cakewalk that ALL bars were set to 129bpm.

Having said that, this was my 4th attempt at creating the song having had problems wrestling with the ACR facility in BIAB when I brought in the artist's original audio file. What a groove Elvis had !!!

In fact, I joined another thread on the topic of the ACR a few days before starting this one and the help given there put me on track (excuse the pun). It was explained to me how to ensure ALL bars are
universally set to the required tempo as well.

So, all I have in Cakewalk is the BIAB song using the 4x tracks included in the named style, to which I laid my vocals against. Then I brought in EZDrummer.

I might just now put the kettle on at half past midnight and have another t-break whilst re-doing the images at a higher res.

Thanks again for your continued input.
