So... talk about a delayed reaction..... I have had this song floating around in my head for several years.... bits and pieces of the parody lines, is what I mean. Every spring when the yellow pollen coats NC. Mostly the pollen season doesn't affect me much. I do, however, know some folks who are knocked down badly yearly. So I feel their pain. So far so good for me this year.

With the shutdown of businesses and people being out of work and low on money, my business is also running slow. My wife is a teacher and the schools are shut for at least 2 weeks. So I figured, this is a good time to get caught up on the list of things to do around here and get into the studio. As such, I thought, I've been kicking this idea of doing a parody for several years..... why not now? So, I done gone and done it.

Rayc: Jimi was an early guitar influence. I've covered a few of his songs here and there but nothing like this parody.

Dave: I wanted the guitar to be close but it's certainly not an exact duplicate. Thanks for the compliment. Maybe I should do more parodies as they are fun to write and easy to come up with lyrics to fit.

Stefan: Thanks. You gotta show a bit of respect when you try to imitate one of the most famous guitar players ever.

Belladonna: Thanks.... Glad you like this.

Babumusic: Thank you.... very much. Glad you enjoyed it

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 03/20/20 04:03 AM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.