Originally Posted By: musiclover
"And if you underestimate artists willing to work for free to be heard, look at all the Open Mic nights across the country where musicians work for free while the venue rakes in the profits. Same thing, smaller scale.

Insights and incites by Notes"


I would agree completely about the Record Companies ripping people off, but would differ a bit with the above form your post.

Would you not agree that for a young person starting off, or for that matter an older person who has never really performed and both wanting to get a feel of live performing, for both these people the joy of performing in front of an audience may well be far more important to them then receiving any money?

I do agree in part.

But when the venue is a for-profit venue and:
  • The owners are getting paid
  • The managers are getting paid
  • The cooks are getting paid
  • The bartenders are getting paid
  • The waiters/waitresses are getting paid
  • The purveyors to the venue are getting paid
  • The janitors are getting paid
  • Everybody involved are getting paid except...
  • The musicians are NOT getting paid
That's the wrong place to build your performance chops. What does that say about your self-worth? The guy who scrubs the toilets is worth more than the musicians?

So you think a record company ripping of an artist for increased profits is OK, but a local restaurant or bar ripping off an artist for increased profits is not OK?

I'm sorry, I don't see any difference.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks