James: The accent we can't quite pin down is part of the fun. It has a kind of ring of nobility about it, a kind of sincerity hard to fake. (Who knows, maybe you are faking it) Just kidding. You can see by the responses that you are doing something right. (But, of course, you already knew that.) A Euro-Amero-Anglo thing to sing your baby to sleep. (Brahms & Mozart) Yet, suddenly, out of nowhere, you hit us with a Romanian lullalby.
(Now we find, Asia loves lullabyes)
The fact that you seamlessly moved into a lullabye may contain a message for all of us. As for me, nearly every day I find a keeper or two among the hymns of the 18th and 19th centuries. I find contemporary worship music (the anthems) fascinating. The fact that they grew out of what might be called, for better or worse, the Led Zepplin era, adds to the fascination.

Last edited by edshaw; 04/03/20 08:30 AM.

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