Hi Michael, use the ASIO drivers as has been said. Things such as RealBand and BIAB should run ok but you’ll most likely have issues with Kontakt if the PC is under powered which I suspect it is. Check the CPU ratings on the site I sent you yesterday.

You might also find when playing back it will stutter quite a bit if it is under powered. You can overcome this by increasing buffers on the ASIO driver but that will increase the latency. Latency is not an issue if only playing back.

You’ll see quite a number of folk are using i3 or better CPU (the AMD equivalent). Kontakt recommends at least i5. A lot of good VST plugins require at least i3 and 8 gig of RAM. Personally I over spec my PCs but I find in the 5 or so year lifespan of my PCs they eventually are no longer really over speced.

If what I’m reading is correct your PC might just be a little under which can create many of the issues you have. As I say check on the AMD CPU chart I sent you earlier. Then check on the Native Instruments Kontakt Player link regarding the Minimum requirements for Kontakt Player. Do the same for other top of the line VST plugins and you’ll see what I’m getting at.

Just reading these things is why I’m writing this. I think if your PC is under speed CPU wise you’ll run into one issue after another.


HP i7-4770 16GB 1TB SSD, Win 10 Home,
Focusrite 2i2 3rd Gen, Launchkey 61, Maton CW80, Telecaster, Ovation Elite TX, Yamaha Pacifica 612
BB 2022(912) RB 2022(2), CakeWalk, Reaper 6, Audacity, Melodyne 5 Editor, Izotope Music Production Suite 4.1