Originally Posted By: bluage
Mr. Garry...

You are quite the composer/arranger, sir smile ! This composition clearly displays your facility with, and understanding of, what I have learned about the form of big-band writing, which to my ears showed up (among other musical devices you employed) in the way you alternated the instrumental solos with the horn section statements, in the way you harmonized the reeds and the brass so that their voices were clearly and distinctly contrasted, and, last but not least, in the way you controlled the dynamics between the melodic and the background parts.

The Swing of Things conveys all the excitement and driving musical energy that one would expect to hear in a composition composed and arranged for a jazz ensemble. I think it would 'perk-up' the ears of any listener regardless of their genre preferences.

LOREN (a.k.a. 'bluage')

Thank for listening Loren. I think I'll pin your kind words up in a prominent place in my home. Or, as we say in Australia, "this is going straight to the pool room" (the line is from an iconic Aussie movie called "The Castle" - it means that it is worthy of treasuring and preserving).
I really appreciate your detailed comments.
Stay well,

Mike Garry
BIAB 2022 (Build 927)/RealBand (5) (64bit), UltraPak, Kontakt, EZmix, Ozone 9 Elements, Hybrid 3, Audacity, Acer Predator, Windows 10, 64bit, 16GB ram, CPU: Intel i7.
