Don't fear.

Here's a cheap suggestion, assuming it's just the backing tracks and not your sax playing you want to share. Post your videos to YouTube. Name them innocuously. Post your links to videos elsewhere with more explicit and specific descriptions. Have fun. Trust me...nothing horrible is going to happen to you. There is a slight chance that something mildly annoying might happen. Heck, this thread may be the most mildly annoying thing that happens in the whole venture.

Joanne, what a great link! What will they think of next?

Last edited by Tangmo; 04/10/20 03:22 PM.

BIAB 2021 Audiophile. Windows 10 64bit. Songwriter, lyricist, composer(?) loving all styles. Some pre-BIAB music from Farfetched Tangmo Band's first CD.