Dang man! There are so many bands I could say this write "sort of reminds me" of; but it's all it's own. For some reason, at times, I get a very cheap trick vibe. If you knew how much I REALLY like Cheap Trick, you would understand the weight of that comment.

The MULTIPLE hook you have in this song are AWESOME! SOOOO catchy! The arrangement/feel changes fit so perfectly in supporting them as well.

Mark me impressed. I'm really diggin' this song! Great job!

(Sorry I didn't comment on production. I'm more of a writer producer than an engineer. I'm not sure I'm even qualified to stand in a room with engineers. Possibly not even in the parking lot outside of the studio. smile Anyway, I commented on what I know a bit more about.)

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.