Yes if you just use Midi Styles/Tracks it's quick to regenerate changes.
If you have Kontakt just load it after the Biab Plugin or create a midi send from the Biab track to another track with Kontakt on.
I don't know what DAW/s you are using to create a midi send.

*can you explain the track sync you mentioned in your second item, please? ive searched on this and cant quite understand.

That has been asked a million times.
I have asked PG for over a year to make this easy to sync play tracks and have solo and mute buttons on the track but for some reason they have refused to do it and would rather users be confused and give up with the plugin.

I haven't tried it on Mac but with "Generate > Custom > All pages (midi only)" it generates midi only for the first page but the other pages it generates up the wav as well so there is a bug that needs fixing as this will take a lot more time generating.

Look in the Win Plugin forum there are lots of guides.
Send Midi Out of BiabVst to Kontakt

Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
..the midi tracks on the first page of the BIAB VST output to the standard BIAB midi default channels:

Track Channel
Bass 2
Piano 3
Melody 4
Thru 5
Guitar 6
Strings 7
Soloist 8
Drums 10