Originally Posted By: jazzmammal
Right. Low cost or free ain't gonna cut it for midi sounds. You see it all the time on this site because so many nooby's are attracted to Biab and for good reason. As long as they're using RT's everybody's happy but get to midi and it's like WOAH, what happened to the sound quality?

Midi is complex and hard to understand and then to keep it simple with Biab you have to find a GM synth with high quality sounds. There are a few "decent" ones but then define "decent". So now, you pay hundreds (thousands in some cases) for high end softsynth libraries because once you get into this you need more than one. There are specialist horns, drums, guitars and whatever else libraries. And, they must be manually selected and tweaked for the best sound with Biab and the nooby's go What, there must be a better way! And there it goes, 'round and 'round. There is no better way, great midi sound requires work and knowledge on the users part and that's it. It's not just select the synth and hit Play.

If we had a buck for every thread on this forum titled "How do I get better midi sounds" We'd all be rich.


I agree 100%.

I started on the midi path because back then, literally, it was all that was available to most players. If you didn't play an instrument but you could manage to play a few notes on a midi keyboard, you could emulate any instrument. Problem was, like Bob said, the quality of the sound sources were dismal. I had a huge library of the latest free fonts and sounds and nothing sounded real.

I went from the integrated default GM synths to the free fonts...a step up..... to the paid for libraries and well recorded samples. Pretty costly but they did sound really good. Still not real, mainly due to the lack of articulations. PG and it's real tracks solved that problem. Now days, generally, the only midi instruments I use are Bass Guitar, Piano, and drums.

When I built my DAW computer many years ago, I decided to leave all the free stuff and junk in the old laptop. Now, I mostly only use PG real tracks with an occasional smattering of midi for the parts I need that can only be done with midi.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.