+1 What GuitarHacker says.

I recently completed a CD of 17 tracks all done in this mannner

Worked out band arrangements in BIAB (all real tracks no midi).
Export Biab tracks as Wav files to DAW (LogicPro)
Record me (Guitar) in DAW
Mix/Master (Logic)
Used CD Baby to produce the CD's and EasySong Licensing to handle the copyright.

Came out pretty nice, at least to me.

Allowed me to focus on playing and learning improving my DAW knowledge. A positive experience.

As an aside, I did not use the audiophile version although it was available at time.
Personally I don't think you need to spend the $$$.
We spent a few hours auditioning 2 different BIAB version on 3 different speaker sets ($500 - $5000) and concluded the difference was marginal at best.
That's just our ears and our $.02. YMMV

Logic Pro X