Originally Posted By: Teunis
Using a DAW is not that difficult.

From my perspective using a DAW seems easier than understanding a keyboard. There is more flexibility in a DAW. I would not recommend getting into Reaper for example as a DAW to initially learn in. But there are many good DAWs out there and some are free with really good features and lots of really good videos about teaching you how to use them. If you are on a PC then Cakewalk by BandLab is a good place to start. Using the basics of Cakewalk is not really that difficult.

My thoughts

Thanks Tony. I guess it just seems strange and slow to input a bass or piano part into a computer rather than just playing it on a keyboard to put it in.

I havn't actually started in on Real Band yet. So do you think that Cakewalk is easier to use or better in some way?

I should mention that I am looking at doing some fairly simple music. Piano, Bass, with contemporary grooves and occasionally some layers of other stuff.

Also, as far as understanding musical sound are there any resources you would suggest, books, videos, courses, etc? I have had courses in arranging at the college level, but never anything to do with music production, which seems to be a lot more involved and closer to being a studio engineer or something.