Originally Posted By: Scott C
This is one of my favorite songs of yours Hans. So gentle and delicate. Beautiful vocal and lyric. The piano and acoustic were such a nice touch to the song. Well done

Wow Scott, you gave me mixed feelings with your answer. Feeling proud and feeling puzzled, because of my other songs.
But I go for the first feeling now. Thanks Scott!

Originally Posted By: Robertkc
Such an adventurous arrangement! The build is very good, from folk ballad comfort to quite intense with a rock feel.
I enjoyed the message and the melody - it has a lovely flow and your vocal is your best to date imo (you are capturing the power in your voice with less effects I think here and it sounds great).
Excellent work!

Hi Robbert, you gave me the same mixed feelings as Scott did. But I like the compliments more! The effects I used for the vocals are roughly the same as in my other songs. Sometimes I had too much reverb and/or delay in them. In early songs I used Nectar effects as well, but now mostly An EQ and Compressor from Native Instruments (NI) and a reverb from softube (Tsar) and that's it. Well... sometimes 'Raum', also from NI.

Originally Posted By: PeterF
Lovely piece of music.
I agree with floyd's thoughtful comments.
On of the best pieces I've heard from you.

Hello Peter, you did the same with my feelings as the gentlemen above. But you know what surprised me the most? I thought this song would be too slow to do anything on the Forum. I liked it of course, but when reading your compliments I was really surprised! Thanks for that.
Don't be amazed if I come with a Dutch song again because of this 'cultureshock'. ;-)

Originally Posted By: CaptainMoto
How cool!
Love the way this builds and shifts the mood.
I think the choice of instruments is brilliant.
The layered vocals sounds good.
I would agree with a previous comment though, It might be a good idea to take a little edge off the lead vocal.

Hi Captain, Those are nice words you used to describe this song. And what you said about the edginess of the vocals is true. I changed some of the settings, added 3 (!) D-ess plugins, but it stayed. Then I altered something in the Mastering. To me it improved. I hope for you as well.

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Really, really pretty song Hans!! So peaceful and dreamy.....you're right....everyone needs an escape these days, and this was a very pleasant one!! Take care. Greg

Hey Greg, thanks a lot for your reply. I had some doubts about the composition. I thought it would be too difficult to enjoy all what happens in it, but I was clearly mistaken. Thanks for that!

Originally Posted By: MarioD
WOW Hans this is fantastic! Loved the guitar flute combo. Your vocal was perfect, the lyrics outstanding, and the mix was perfect.
IMHO this is your best to date.

Hi there Mario, you too gave me that mixed feelings about your compliment. Still prefer the compliments more. The way you putted them nearly made me blush. But they also gave me a broad smile on my face for a day or two.

So thank you all for your effort to reply and to do that with those very nice words,

Hans Berkhout