Hey everybody:

Sorry for the delayed reply—just haven’t been able to focus much on music lately or find time so spend here. But I do want thank everyone for the really great comments and feedback. It’s beyond appreciated—and in many cases you’ve been too kind, but thank you! A few responses to some of the feedback:

rayc, Hans and Robert: Good ears as always . . . yes, there’s a very slight dip there that I didn’t think most would hear, and that’s mainly due to my about my vocal hitting the high end to much. That’s correctable enough. The sibilance is another matter . . . I think I’d have to re-record the vocal, as nothing I’ve tried has worked. The perfect storm of “esses” in the chorus doesn’t make it easier. For me, my one disappointment is that the song as a whole is a bit more high end than I had wanted. Oh, well, one of these days I’ll revisit and give another go.

Marty: It looks like more instruments than it really is—e.g., the organ plays only during the chorus, the piano only during the pre-chorus, etc. So I don’t think there’s any spot where they are all playing at the same time. I was just trying to give each part of the song a different feel. Not sure it worked, but there it is . . . .

HeartoLearn: I’m a big fan of Cheap Trick as well . . . I didn’t intend it, but listening to it again after your comment, yes, I can see where you are picking that up. Thanks for making the connection and the great feedback!

Hope everyone is staying healthy and safe—my best regards to you all.
