Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
We always enjoy the soul you put into your vocals!
The production sounds good on our monitors.
You made nice use of those RT's and the RD/percussion loop.
There're no rules on what instruments to play with blues. They
either add to the blues feel or they don't. Everything in
your composition contributes to the bluesy feel and works
well with the vocal...great phrasing.

We enjoyed it!


Hi J&B, thanks for your compliments! And it's good to point out that strings are no problems in a Bluessong. As you noticed, I would have tried them anyway. Boundaries are to be crossed, don't you agree?

Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Hi Hans,
Another good song!
I like the progression you are using, and I like that swampy blues style too, a perfect fit for the song.
Nice vocal!
I'll have my wife listen to it later, she is out at the moment. See how many words she can pick out wink

Hi Dave, of course I am curious if your wife understands something of the lyrics. Especially because I haven't used the words 'laughter' and 'red wine' in this one. And thanks a lot for your nice words about the song. It's you setting the bar high with your songs. I have to do my utmost to come near. Fortunately we don't have a contest on this!

Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
Cool collision of classic & modern styles. Very interesting arrangement.
Your mixes are getting better. Vocals are clear, and sit well, but I would prefer them a little fuller (more lower end?) Unfortunately I am not knowledgeable enough to offer a suggestion. In my view, fun part of music making is to experiment, and in that you succeed smile
Thank you for sharing.


HI Misha, thanks for your nice words about the song. About the volume of the vocals; they were a bit fuller at first, but I hasitated and changed it. to me they came too much upfront (could be I'm still uneasy singing in Dutch). But who knows?

Thanks all,

Hans Berkhout