Originally Posted By: Birchwood
Hi Herb,

It's amazing what a book could do to a human.
This is a very good song.
All fits and your guitar was very very strong. A pity it isn't a realtrack. I certainly would use it in a future song!...
And what right you are on that, with your humble remark: "Why fix perfection"?

I enjoyed listening to it and could almost see myself aboard the Black...eh, only to get me a rum and coke...


Hans,,,, thank you for listening.

Books, yes, they can take you places. Places that are across seas and time. I like futuristic sci-fi, but the old times, wooden ships, rolling seas, swords, and other such things have always held a certain fascination.

The funny thing is this song was written more as a throw away, self indulgent, binge into massive guitar sound, so it's quite humbling to know that many are enjoying it in such a way as they are describing.

Thank you for being in that group.

The tracks.... yeah, I was intending to replace the 2 BB tracks that are basically rhythm. I mean, easy peesy right? But they simply just worked and there wasn't anything to be gained from doing that. So I left them. for the most part, you don't really hear them clearly except right before the 3rd verse about Flint and the boys on the beach..... Also, I had considered making some user tracks of my playing but I figured again.... why bother as I simply play what needs to be played on any given song. I hadn't thought about making it available to others to use..... maybe that;s something I will consider in the future.

Again thanks.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.