Thanks, Robert. I totally agree about the last verse being more obscure. I wrote the drafts for the first two verses separately from the last verse, and they definitely seem more polished. I still plan on revising the lyrics another 3 or 4 more times, so I'm hoping I arrive at a better last verse.

Thank you for your kind comments. I really appreciate them. I will definitely post this song again after I revise. I have some changes I'd like to make to the acoustic guitar, and I might add a few more instruments.

I'm not familiar with Jesse Winchester, but I'll definitely go check him out soon.

Thanks again!

Originally Posted By: Robertkc
The first two verses and chorus are brilliantly crafted lyric writing ( I thought the last verse more obscure ).
The gentle backing works well- it will be interesting to hear developments if you make any.
Your vocals are relaxed, warm and clear ( reminding me of Jesse Winchester).
A lovely song- welcome to the forum!
