Originally Posted By: Roger Brown
Look, this is clearly something that has been discussed ad nauseam in the past, but for us who are newer to the forum...

I see a lot of posts to the effect of "here's a work around" or "here's how you can do it and not need additional tracks", etc. I suppose what I'd like to know is the "why" in regards to adding additional tracks. If it's some sort of band width/storage issue, totally fine....I've just not seen anyone say "no, that can't happen, and here's why".

In your particular workflow, and others that use a similar workflow, the "why" is easy to explain and implement.

1. You routinely use a similar 9 piece band in your song creations
2. Occasionally you add three tracks of a string instrument
3. You already have a folder and naming system in place. There's nothing for you to drastically change to your normal workflow.
4. Rather than export individual WAV's like you do now, there's a one click selection in BIAB that will export your file to a folder, name it and save a WAV or WMA file of your choosing, Freeze the track and change the color of the track making it much more obvious the track is "frozen" and an exact copy of the frozen track has been saved. This is repeatable over and over.
5. The one click function is much faster than what you do currently. It also adds a great deal of versatility to the complexity and arrangements to the tracks you export to Logic for mixing thus saving you time in mixing as well.
6. You can learn everything there is to know about this one click button in less than 5 minutes.

It's not a work around (it already has a button) wink and you can do it and not need additional tracks or have to learn convoluted, hidden techniques.

It also automatically gives the option to not only export the discrete tracks but combine several discrete tracks or the Style as a submix or stem with or without effects.

It's been a feature since 2014, works flawlessly without bugs and works the same with every media compatible with BIAB. That's Midi, Midi Super Tracks, RealTracks, RealDrums, Loops and live or Pre-recorded Audio in any format recognized by BIAB. It works with any combination of those media types.

BIAB Ultra Pak+ 2024:RB 2024, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.