Thank you so much VideoTrack for your very kind words! Also thank you Tangmo! Your comments made me feel good.

I'm not a good poster, and I know it. (About 250 posts in 20 years!)
I do read most every day, and did a couple of years before I joined the forums.

Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
Do I smell spam? So much good advice for a new member on Post #1. I hope the OP proves me wrong.

MusicStudent, you were not the only one. I actually considered the possibility of spam before replying. I decided to post anyway.

If the poster is a beginning songwriter, I wanted to post an affirmation (I believe all songwriters need that), adding a couple of basic pointers that I wish I had started with decades ago.

If it was spam, my thought was that maybe those pointers would help other readers. Historically, the Off-Topic forum has gotten much traffic. (As I post this, the thread has 83 views; for me, only 1 has to be a beginning songwriter.)

Also I hoped others might offer good advice. (That happened!!!)

Plus, PG Music has (and has had) really friendly forums.

On balance, I decided to go for it.