Thank you for listening and your feedback!
"king of a one sock" - that well could be used for a band name smile
Thank you for listening!
Thank you for listening and fun comments!! Could be used as a line of witch spell: "I will turn you into Rodin's thinker"
Thank you for listening and your comments! Lisa is great, I hope to lure her to participate in some other tunes smile

Thank you for your support! black socks.. that'a a way out!

Thank you for listening!
Ezekiel's Storm,
Ha ha. Thank you for listening and fun feedback!
Yes this is the one for Cat song forum smile Would be interesting to hear
a cat hater tune...got to be a death metal tune or close to that. Thank you for listening and your feedback!
Thank you for listening and your kind comments!
dissolving...We will never find out for sure. It might also be a gnome that lives behind the washer that has a pretty wild collection by now. I had a cat that stole socks from time to time, hiding them in strange places. She probably thought they were kittens... Thank you for listening and your feedback!
