Originally Posted By: Birchwood
I saw a picture of a bird and then the bowed bass started...
It took a moment before getting used to the fibrations of the song, but then I enjoyed it. That heavy beat on the guitar was the (nice) spine of the song. And your lyrics are always beautiful, but also surprising. Surprising in the way how you choose your subject and how you write about that. I like that!
In a way the sax was also a surprise. I read what you wrote about it, while listening to the song. The sax wasn't playing yet. I thought 'sax, what sax?', then it started it's solo. Also, here I had to get used to that instrument in your song too. At first I thought that this instrument doesn't belong in the song, but soon after that thought vanishes. It fits nicely!
I sometimes have the same as you described about the sax. If it can't be altered by rendering, I sometimes add an extra chord in the bar, to force my instrument to do what I want, while freezing the others. Luckily I don't have to do this much...
Well done, Jane!

Thanks Hans for your kind insightful comment smile Yes, my songs require several listenings to get used to their oddities wink I'm glad you like my lyrics and find them surprising. First I thought the song would work with just piano, but soon I realized that a guitar would be nice also. Fortunately I found that rhythm guitar from the vast selection of BIAB instruments, yes, it's the spine of the song as you nicely put it.

I really like the sound and melodes of that sax, I didn't even consider other soloists - unfortunately it has not many variations (as you may have noticed that the first and last bar of the solo are similar).


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