Hey Bob,
It was probably good that you got permission before posting it sorry I didn't think of that.
Although since Apple went to anonymous UUID#'s there isn't anything personal in the logs anymore (but better safe than sorry).

The first and third files are actually the ones I was alluding to in my longwinded description of how to capture them. blush
the other files are useful if it is captured while the actual crash is happening (which doesn't seem to be the case with those), but that's OK.

I can see that thread 10 crashed in the first log that you posted, and it was thread 13 in the third file with the exact same crash.
Hopefully the PG folks can figure out what's going on there, as my knowledge of reading crash logs is limited.
I can usually spot crashes caused by plugins and that sort of thing, but that crash looks pretty integral to BIAB itself.

Maybe, if you know which of the .sty files this is happening on, you could send a copy of the style files themselves along with the first and third log files to support@pgmusic.com .

Sorry I couldn't be of any more help. frown

- Jay

MacPro 5,1/12 core@3.46GHz -- OS X 10.14.6 -- ATI 7970 -- 32 Gig RAM -- Crucial 500GB OS SSD -- Samsung EVO 1TB Audio/Sample SSD -- BIAB 2023 -- Logic Pro X -- Cubase Elements 11 -- Too many plugins