Hey RS, glad your hanging around. This not just my preference I have spoken with many users. The plugin is not a midi based plugin like kontact or better yet EZ keys where Midi files are mixed and matched from a library. Those type VSTi were meant to be use as instruments for midi trigger in a DAW track. the BiaB plug is an extension of BiaB based primarily on RT generation to add into a DAW project. It has some midi capability it only because of midi styles.

Still I can see where some might like a volume slider to see where a track fits in the mix. I think most will just generate a track or two and mix it into their existing tracks. Panning I don’t understand. Why pan there? Your not going to drag it panned. Your going to drag it flat, dry and centered (which was a big ask we got) then use far superior tools in the DAW to process the tracks into the mix.

To me the real value to this plug in is in quick drag to DAW. I can’t imagine the average DAW user wanting to spend much time in the plugin verses the DAW environment. The beauty of this plugin to me is it is simple and easy for the DAW user who never wanted to dive into Band in a Box and wade through that learning process.

Anyway that’s my thoughts in the end it will depend on where PGM want to go with this. I really did like your mock up it look really clean. Hope you are staying safe and happy these days, I look forward to your continued thoughts in the forum.

Last edited by Rob Helms; 06/25/20 04:43 AM.