Thank you for feedback! PG team, feel free to use design, for you, it is copyright free smile

Yeah, I thought it would be a good idea too to have volumes at DAW, but there is a big but (or butt if you prefer)

1)It would require "rewiring" with each different project, now multiply that with number of available DAWs and the result is endless bugs and user frustrations. I believe it would be better to have one solid, contained plugin, than the one which requires you to do customized setup each time.
There was several big "modern day" plugins that worked in similar manner that you describe (using more DAW resources than internal) and all of them had issues with one DAW or another.
2)If most of the features one day are transplanted to plugin, with volumes and pans, it would be much easier to make a "standalone" shell.
3)You can get away with a single instrument - plugin track in DAW and only make new DAW tracks and drag Rt's when arrangement is complete or on demand...keeping DAW project slim.

Please read my reply to Mario above. How do you envision volume controls to DAW? Creating a separate DAW template specifically for Plugin? Linking each individual channel of BIAB plugin manually? What if you change the RT..., you will have to locate that specific "linked" channel in DAW to adjust things? To me it sounds like a BiG mess. With volumes + pans onboard, you can work / audition arrangement independently in plugin and keep everything "liquid" before dragging.

How I usually do things is I have Kontakt/Halion as an instrument track and a Midi content track going in. I adjust all my volumes and pans within these two major plugins and continue working on the project. Importing Wavs from BIAB, recording vocals and other things. ONLY when project is ready for mix, I would record everything from Halion/ Kontakt to separate DAW tracks as audio and continue with finalizing the mix. To me volumes are a must and have to be present in plugin. Pans less, but still important. Otherwise I see very little use for it.


P.S. Robert, not trying to be rude, but:
"This not just my preference I have spoken with many users."... hmmm I have severe doubt that most, half or even 20% of actual end users would be against volumes onboard. Perhaps you were talking to folks who share your views and not the other many? It is not about mixing it "twice" it is about "hearing" what needs to be heard before dragging anything. On the bright side, that's where "custom" buttons could become handy: Drag with->original volume->dry/centered smile