Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
Good write! Major subject well delivered. I like how the mood changes on second half. Mix is clear, but I think vocals could come up a bit. Thank you for sharing.


Hi Misha, thanks for your compliments. You are right about the vocals. I had them louder at first, but than changed it. I changed the song 2 times after that. First the vocals in the first part (and the fp-guitar and accorion), today I added two track of violins which differ from each other. It was some work to get that right, but the result is a nice violin harmony. although, that's what I think.

And you know what? Someone told me yesterday I was second on the songwriterschart from SoundCloud. Today I was nr. 1! I think within some hours I will be very famous (and rich). Try beating me, Misha!!

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
We like the lyric, the band, the build and your vocal.
While we never had children we've seen family and friends
express the sentiments you so well described.

Hi J&B, I think it is how we deal with the loss of a loved one of dear situation. And I am a bit tenderhearted sometimes. Especially with my animals. Don't you?
But thanks for the nice words and your support on all my songs!

Originally Posted By: Robertkc
I like the inspiration for the lyrics and happy/sad way you explore it with that focus on waking up to a very different house.
The accordion works to keep the feeling light; there`s something in the song that reminds me of Cat Stevens ( who also had a light touch with big subjects).
(With a little bump on vocals), this stands as one of your best!


Hi Robert, the light bump on the vocals is done some days ago, but also some violins are added. I did that today. I was a littlebit nervous if it would work out well, so I'm checking it on all different musicplayers. At first the vocals got too sharp (read what Greg wrote about that). changed that too. And your association about this song (a bit) with Cat Stevens now hangs on a banner in my studio. Thanks for your nice comment!

Originally Posted By: Tano Music
Very nice Hans...I think you succeeded with the concept of building up the intensity.
I liked the little stop that you used before the chorus.
Your voice multiples worked out great.
And the way you ended it.
I really enjoyed it and got some good ideas from listening.

Hello Tano, today I added violins in the song as well! I hope you like it too (if you can get yourself together listening to this song again). I hope to hear from you what kind of ideas it brought you. You have noticed I am not stuck to one particulair style. Maybe you can try something different too, Hip Hop? Thanks for your nice words!

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Nice song Hans!! My kids are in HS and I'm dreading the empty nest.....love having them around!! I like the arrangement and the vocal, but the highs on the vocal could probably be trimmed a bit....I tend to do the same thing. Enjoyed it!! Take care. Greg

Hey Greg, lucky man you are! But time goes faster then we think. So later, you play this song on your player, and help your wife getting through these times. But before you do, I listened to your comment and did something about the sibilance. And I also added some violins.
I think you'll be satisfied by now. Let me know if you're not!

Thank you all for your kind remarks and stay safe (again),

Hans Berkhout