Well...from my POV:

An instrumental is not a song....it's a music composition.
If one is calling a particular effort a new 'song' then (generally, by definition) lyrics would be expected/obligatory.

I've written about 1/2 dozen instrumentals in four decades of writing.
They were all written deliberately for concept/story line album projects.
Not because I felt they would actually stand on their own merit.
A couple of them are on my soundclick page.
(Cruzin' 1998 - Guitars In The Storm 1997....decades before BIAB became a wonderful tool to add to my writing arsenal)

I'm not interested in writing compositions because I don't think I'm good enough to compose anything that would actually retain the listeners interest throughout without sounding dull.....I guess we are our own worst critic.

I prefer to concentrate on picking a good, non-chiche subject with good lyrics/imagery and a convincing vocal performance of a song.
I'm still a work in process. smile

I feel that writing a 'song' has (generally) more appeal for most listeners to remain interested and engaged with the effort for 3+ minutes.
Of course, that might be a bit presumptive because I have no fan (singular) base to support that reasoning. smile

Both have their appeal to me depending on what head space or environment I'm in.

A good day to all...

(Jim....I love that old big band era music)

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 07/19/20 04:58 AM.