Originally Posted By: richardcrw
Sorry to come so late to this thread, but it's the most relevant one I could find and I have a specific question.

If I create a song with my own chord progression, key and tempo, but it is entirely composed of realtracks, which I have generated repeatedly to find the one that fits best, and then used individually by exporting the .wav files and remixing them in my DAW...

Then is it a violation of the licensing agreement if I put that song onto a commercial album, without adding any other instrument layers to it?

Thanks for any light you can shed on this concrete use case.

Nope. If you purchased BB, you have the full legal right to use it as your own and claim copyright on it for any commercial use.
I have several songs playing in film & TV that were created mostly or entirely on BB. I own 100% of the rights of the songs. I don't have to give any credit to anyone or anything for those tracks created in BB.

You can use them without worry. I think if you look, you will find that statement on the PG website regarding your use of the tracks in commercial projects. If you happen to write a million dollar song using PG tracks, I think it would probably be nice if you went to their HQ and took the staff and Peter out to lunch. ;-)

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.