Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude

Hi Hans,

The forum is a strange place these days, lots of people posting songs but not bothering to listen to anyone else's songs.
First of all, nice groove and great bluesy feel, especially during the intro and verses. Very different feel during the chorus, almost country I guess.
Cool solo! And nice arrangement too.
Vocal wise, very good, I especially liked what you did during the "Kind of lonely, this friday night" line.
Good one, listened a couple of times.

Hi Dave, thanks for responding listening and commenting the song.
Sending this second post was the first thing I did this morning when I woke up. Afterwards I thought 'why'? There must be more important things in life than feeling bad about the lack of attention for a song. But I admit, it was hurting me a bit. Then your reactions came; you, Floyd, Misha and Marty! And that saved this dejected day ;-)
And I agree; something is changing on this normally so kind and attentive forum. I hope it can be adjusted in being that kind of forum again.

About the song; I wrote different lyrics at first. Nothing about stalking, but being lonely after a breach and how to pick up my life again (the 'ordinary'stuff). So in the song I had to be very angry about the woman who did this to me. At first I called the song 'You Woman', because you can sing that quite aggresive. But then I thought it to sound too unfriendly to women. I changed the line in the chorus into 'Please woman', and 'Stop your talking' into 'stop your stalking'. But the harmony in that line you mentioned stayed, although now I couldn't do much with that line anymore (finding me someone else or so).

Originally Posted By: floyd jane
(Like Dave said, there are a lot of posters who feel that their stuff is all that matters...a sad situation.)
This is really good. Well written. Your use of near-rhymes is really impressive. And a good BAND. Really had my foot tapping.
The vocal is well done. But is is a little "too crispy". You could roll off a lot of the high EQ - to give it some "warmth" and let it sit in the mix just a little more (the overall mix of instruments is good).
I like it. Kept my attention well. Still tapping my toe...

(I like the picture, too!)

Floyd, I had you in mind doing that tapping! Thanks for doing that and commenting the song. I won't repeat what I wrote to Dave about 'me and the forum', but I hope the bad 'habit' can be changed again. I appreciate your attention. I haven't heard that crispyness
but will adjust the eq on the vocals as long as it keeps you tapping!

Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
Interesting tapestry of music and singing. Some unusual twists for a blues song.
Your skills are definitely getting better in composition vocals and production.
Vocals sit well, no complains smile However, you take hits well, so here is my suggestion of an amateur. It seems you like "certain" fx chain. Maybe try to do a complete opposite of your comfort zone, just for fun of it. We are in some way have common traits, like experimenting with different genres, so this would not hurt the overall perception.

Here is an idea for you for this tune. The solo from 2:17... Last ultra pack included some very cool female Oohs and ahhs vocals. Since it is a "relationship" tune, these might very well work for the solo.

P.S. I think because many places had opened since our little health situation, people, for good or bad are taking advantage to go places they missed past few months. So I believe that in part contributed to forum participation.

Thank you for sharing. Cool tune!

Hi Misha, we'd walked a long way in taming the sound of our songs! But I'm very happy you telling me I'm improving. As do you!
But still I am far away from a 'comfort zone'. I learn every day, experimenting with the sounds and all that. Your suggestion with the ooh's and aah's I actually used on this song (not in the part you mentioned), but I removed it again, because it didn't gave me the kind of mood i was searching for. So I did all the singing myself. But at this very moment I'm working on a song where these vocals play a major role! So your wish...
And about the fx. I am working again with the fabFilter fx-es. In this song I used it on two vocals and as a master De-esser. But please continue with these kind of suggestions. I listen and try things out all the time. Only at the drums I think I have some kind of comfort zone...

Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
Oh, great sounds, Hans. I love the story idea and your delivery is perfect. An interesting mix, and I like how everything lays comfortably --except I feet the guitar is a bit too loud. You're right. This song got me up dancin'.

Hi Marty, I didn't saw that comming; you dancing on this song. Tapping was the most I could wish from you all, but dancing...!
thanks for that compliment! But I have a question: what guitar you think was a bit too loud. I used four guitars. Two from BiaB (the acoustic fingerpick and the electric solo guitar and two I did on my keyboard. I quess you mean the electric sologuitar?
While I adjust that one, please continue dancing on the song ;-)

Stay save in these turbulent times,

Hans Berkhout