Originally Posted By: floyd jane

I addressed some of the "too perfect" issue in the re-do version - but only slightly. I understand the idea of "we don't play that perfectly", but any similar song that comes out of the Nashville machine (for the last 30 years) does, in fact, have a near perfectly play acoustic guitar component. I've watched some of those guys in the studio - and they make it look effortless. The velocities of the notes is, in fact, varied throughout the guitar performance - randomly (you can see that in the 3 newer snapshots I put up).

Hi Floyd,
I didn't mean any disrespect to the Nashville session boys - I've spent most of my life around
studios and have a great respect for all the musicians I've encountered. I just have this pathological
dislike of quantising, unless it's used as a deliberate effect. It's all part of my love/hate relationship
with computer recording. If I had the time and money, I'd still be using tape, but at the same time I love
the ease and speed of the computer production, to say nothing about all the wonderful RTs.
At the end of the day, like I said, the guitar has a very authentic sound and works really well when
it's in the mix. I'll probably end up using it myself!