I have tried every switch and every nuance I can find in Real Band, but I can't make this software voice chords how I want it to. Today's adventure was a song that goes from C to Fm7 over D, but no matter how I try it, it plays some weird voicing. I then tried changing to Dm9, same result. Using all those "make natural" things. Also "Reinterpret chords" and that made it worse. Is there a "Give me normal chords, not some weird embellished junk" switch? There is subtle nuance between Fm7/D and Dm9 when it is voiced how I don't want it voiced. When I tell it Dm9 it puts all the notes together, and I want the D an octave down, with the Fm7 on my right hand and the D an octave below. But it won't play the D an octave down. So I said to myself, "Self, play that bass note manually." Well, the sonic clash was deafening. I mean, this software is my crutch to make up for how much my skills have eroded as I got older and the arthritis in my hands has gotten worse. Is there a way to make this thing do exactly what I want it to? Voice the chords how my mind's ear hears them? (Though unless I plug a USB into my brain somehow, I can't imagine how software can see what my brain hears, so there's that.)

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.