Sorry I have not been able to get back here sooner! With the virus count jumping up, my work load has increased significantly. And then some of my grandkids came and spent a few days with me (That is always a good thing!)

Originally Posted By: musician17
Oh my word. STUNNING - and that's the least said. Minimalism to die for, as someone above mentioned ... and, let me say something right here ... the LYRICS ... wow. Because the musical side of the song is so well written, here, the lyrics may not be as noticed by some ... but, my word, you know how to write a lyric which strikes a chord with your audience - just as well as you write the music. Love it. Thank you for this, I needed this this afternoon.

Thanks so much! So glad to hear from you. Your very kind comment are so appreciated!

Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Steve,

I love this song!

The mix of rhythm tracks had me hooked from the start.
The muted 16s and the funky EP - a fabulous combination.

And what a great idea for a song. Lyrics beautifully enhanced by
the video, which was entertaining in itself.

Plus of course, your amazing vocals which I've always admired.

One of your best, even though they're all really good!


Always good to hear from you, ROG! I am flattered and honored by your very generous comments. I always enjoy your songs, as well!

Originally Posted By: jannesan
Nice backstory for the lyrics, although you give one meaning, I can find many other levels. Very clever writing.
Beautiful chord progression, simple but has enough hooks to enjoy.
Your voice carries the melody gently, especially in the bridge part which is that elevation I was really waiting for - soaring flight above the landscape of the passing day.
Arrangement is lush and still has lots of floating air between the instruments, the mix is crystal clear. Too bad that the strings are there only for a moment, they sound beautifully ethereal. Professional in every way.


Thanks, Janne! I like songs that have the ability to touch multiple areas of people's lives. I am intrigued by songs that take very personal topics and make them just "non personal" enough so that the listener can apply the song to their own personal situations. I appreciate your observations about this one.



Steve Young
"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of." - Robert Schumann