Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Post counts mean nothing except that you have too much time on your hands. Or, you're retired or unemployed.

I kinda disagree with that in some regards.
For the cited source in the OP, I wholeheartedly agree; 'most posts in 30 days' is pretty meaningless, changes regularly, and is a small sample size. One year we realized Beta testing comments were showing up in the count and skewing things terribly. That has since been corrected.

Under usernames on a post are their total post numbers.
To me this is a little more meaningful.

/this info is also available via the Users link at the top of the forums
//there was a while when Trolling was an issue here and seeing this provided data helped decipher things (like creation account date etc)
/// Please tell me I didn't just somehow summon Igor smile

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome