Originally Posted By: Danny C.
Over the years I have heard some PDG original songs offered by many of our forum members, my question is why are you wonderful songwriters not testing your songs before worldwide live audiences via live streams?

To me it would seem to be a very cost effect way to not only get your tunes heard but to receive instant feedback from real people. I know from experience that these audiences welcome original music, in fact there are a few regulars that do entire shows of their original songs on one of the venues I play.

Just wonder if "our" forum songwriters are aware of these venues?


Got any links to these "worldwide live audiences"? I'm familiar with Street Jelly but every time I go there it seems like the vast majority of artists performing have only a tiny handful of listeners, often just a couple. I think this is a lot like every other "opportunity" in that you have to work really hard to gain any significant audience and prolly bring your own fan base at a minimum.