I get your points 1261...

I guess I feel I know my place in the music world.
I don't really promote my song writing efforts other than showing my s/c site (12 years) in my signature and on a couple of other music sites.
(This is a pretty thorough site that I've been on for some years: https://www.tdpri.com/forums/)

I don't write what I perceive to be 'commercially viable" or "having mass appeal" material.
Hence, my fan (singular :)) base is non-existent for those reasons and the fact those that did listen did not find them noteworthy or appealing.

I write songs as creative therapy....and constantly pimping my material with those lofty hopes we're discussing here seems pointless.
Should someone listen to my drivel and/or comment favorably...well...that works for me.

Yep...my singing, reminiscent of a dull chain saw, is my biggest hurdle to overcome too.
But...I keep plugging along although no new song ideas at this moment.

(EDIT: Ive checked out SJ and few times. Danny C. puts on a great show and exhibits a very friendly persona without a lot of the trite small talk. I don't go there often for a couple of reasons)

A good day to all....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 08/16/20 11:07 AM.