JJJ, stay focused smile

Remember this idea (third post down):

You did not like that idea...

Essentially, what I believe will happen (IF!) "freeze part of a real track" arrives, it would probably be a "placement" of these frozen sections in timeline... Meaning, most likely they would act as a separate mixer TRACKS with "before" and "after" muted and the rest frozen. At least it seems the most logical thing to me.

I believe idea of opening the mixer to more channels is far more flexible and will give options and control far greater than just freezing sections. However, with limited time for music for many, I can understand why someone would just want to "freeze" the section and forget about it. Perhaps a button on the mixer:"Keep It Simple" would do the trick? By having that checked, it could create those duplicate tracks for you, assign mute at bars and freezing that section - Automation! Keeping duplicate Mixer tracks hidden, so you would see only your "normal" mixer, and sections as "frozen", but folks who want take advantage of more mixer tracks will be able to expand these tracks and do whatever they wish.

To me, both items (more mixer tracks and section freeze (bar by bar regen)) are very similar in nature...which is still more mixer tracks smile